Universidad de Zaragoza CSIC
Elisabet Pires Ezquerra
Category Profesora Titular
Department: ISQCH - Departamento 2: Catálisis y Procesos Catalíticos
Phone / Ext.: +34 876 55 35 01
Email: epires@unizar.es
Participant group: ISQCH - Catálisis Heterogénea en Síntesis Orgánicas Selectivas

Dr. Elísabet Pires was born in Paris, France, in 1968. Bachelor in Science Degree (1991), PhD in chemistry (1997) under the supervision of Prof. J.A. Mayoral and J.I. García. She devoted her first research to the development of heterogeneous catalysts for Diels –Alder reactions. During her PhD she spent short periods of time in the “Ecole  Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Montpellier, in the groups of Prof. Figueras and Prof Rachdi. After 3 years working as teacher in High School she came back in October 2001 to the University of Zaragoza as assistant professor. From 2003 to 2010 she was lecturer at Escuela Politécnica Superior de Huesca. Nowadays she teaches at the Science Faculty of the University of Zaragoza. Since 2003, her research has been focused in the development of new heterogeneous catalysts for industrial applications and the design of new chiral ligands for immobilization. At present, her main interests focus on the development of heterogeneous catalytic system in biorefinery processes, mainly in the study of renewables and the design of green solvens.


Actividad de I+D+i realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza a través de sus Institutos Universitarios de Investigación, propios y mixtos, financiada por el Gobierno de Aragón