Universidad de Zaragoza CSIC
Vanesa Fernández Moreira
Category CTR-Proy-JIN
Department: ISQCH - Departamento 1: Compuestos Organometálicos y de Coordinación
Phone / Ext.: +34 976 76 11 83
Email: vanesa@unizar.es
Group responsible: ISQCH - Química de Oro y Plata
Participant group: ISQCH - Química de Oro y Plata

Vanesa Fernández-Moreira earned her BSc and MPhil degrees in Chemistry from the University of Vigo (Spain) in 2005. Subsequently, she relocated to Cardiff University (UK), where she completed her PhD in 2008 under the guidance of Dr. M. P. Coogan and Dr. A. J. Amoroso, specializing in luminescent MLCT complexes. To expand her expertise in fluorescent bioprobes, she undertook her first postdoctoral position within the research group led by Prof. J.-C. Bünzli at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). During this period, she gained proficiency in lanthanide chemistry, bioconjugation techniques, and biological assays. Later, she joined Prof. Sylvia Draper's group at Trinity College Dublin (TCD, Ireland) for an additional year, focusing on supramolecular chemistry.

In 2011, Vanesa Fernández-Moreira became an associate researcher in the group headed by Prof. M. Concepción Gimeno at the ISQCH. Here, she established and co-led a new research line titled 'Luminescent Metallodrugs as Theranostic Agents.' In 2019, she was honored with a Ramon y Cajal fellowship and she has been recently appointed as a tenure-track researcher at CSIC. Her main research focuses on the design of innovative metallodrugs for photodynamic therapy (PDT).

Personal Website: PDT-section.VFM-Group




Actividad de I+D+i realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza a través de sus Institutos Universitarios de Investigación, propios y mixtos, financiada por el Gobierno de Aragón