Universidad de Zaragoza CSIC
María Eugenia Marqués López
Category Profesora Titular
Department: ISQCH - Departamento 2: Catálisis y Procesos Catalíticos
Phone / Ext.: +34 976 76 11 90
Email: mmaamarq@unizar.es
Participant group: ISQCH - Organocatálisis Asimétrica

Dr. Eugenia Marqués-López was born in Seville (Spain), in 1978. She graduated in Chemistry (2002) and completed her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry (2007), under the supervision of Prof. Rosario Fenández and Prof. José M. Lassaletta, at the University of Seville. During her Ph.D. studies she worked on the field of N,N-dialkylhydrazones as N,N-dialkylamino imines surrogates and its applications in Staudinger, Mannich and Strecker-type reactions. She also worked on the synthesis of novel diene complexes, in the laboratory of Dr. John M. Brown in the CRL at Oxford University (UK) (2005). After her promotion, she joined the group of Prof. Mathias Christmann (Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany) as an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral fellow, where she deeply investigated dienamine catalysis (2008-2010). Later, she moved back to Spain to work in the group of Prof. Pedro Merino at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA-CSIC) (Zaragoza, Spain), as JAE-Doc postdoctoral researcher (2011). She later held the position of an Assistant Professor at the University of Zaragoza (2011-2016: Profesora Ayudante Doctor and 2016-2020: Profesora Contratado Doctor), and now is an Associate Professor (Profesora Titular) at the same university (since September 2020). She currently develops her independent research, together with Dr. Raquel P. Herrera, on new catalytic methods, mainly based on asymmetric organocatalysis, at the Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea (ISQCH-CSIC) in Zaragoza (Spain).

Actividad de I+D+i realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza a través de sus Institutos Universitarios de Investigación, propios y mixtos, financiada por el Gobierno de Aragón