Universidad de Zaragoza CSIC
Juan Vicente Alegre Requena
Category Juan de la Cierva
Department: ISQCH - Departamento 1: Compuestos Organometálicos y de Coordinación
Phone / Ext.: +34 976 76 11 98
Email: jvalegre@unizar.es
Participant group: ISQCH - Química de Oro y Plata

Juan V. Alegre-Requena was born in Alicante (Spain), in 1989. He graduated in Chemistry (2013) and he is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, under the supervision of Dr. Raquel P. Herrera and Dr. Eugenia Marqués-López, at the University of Zaragoza. He is currently working on the synthesis of squaramides, their application in organocatalysis, among other fields, and their biological properties. Also, he is studying several reaction mechanisms by using computational chemistry. In 2014, he performed a doctoral research stay in the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia, under the supervision of Dr. Gemma Triola, in order to study the biological activity of new squaramide-based structures. In 2015, he worked in the lab of Prof. Dr. David Díaz Díaz at the Universität Regensburg (Germany) learning about supramolecular gel chemistry.

Actividad de I+D+i realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza a través de sus Institutos Universitarios de Investigación, propios y mixtos, financiada por el Gobierno de Aragón